API Endpoints for the Generic Listing Tool

How to create a listing using the generic listing tool

The generic listing allows integrations to list products from the Linnworks system without the need to create a channel specific integration. The specific endpoints can be found in the Generic listing tool area of the GenericListings API Documentation

GLT Configuration Endpoints

Listings/GetConfiguratorDescriptionTo retrieve configurator descriptions that already exist on the GLT
Listings/GetConfiguratorDataTo retrieve configurator data that already exist on the GLT
Listings/CreateConfiguratorTo create a GLT configurator.
Listings/SaveConfiguratorDataTo update a GLT configurators data.
Listings/SaveConfiguratorDescriptionTo update a GLT configurators description.
Listings/SaveConfiguratorFieldsTo update GLT configurator fields.
Listings/DeleteConfiguratorsTo delete a GLT configurator.

GLT Template Endpoints

Listings/CreateTemplatesUse to create an GLT listing template
Listings/ProcessTemplatesTakes a list of GTL templates returned from CreateTemplates endpoint and will create these templates and process them to the channel.
Listings/SaveTemplateFieldsUse to update template fields

If you want to list on Amazon, Ebay, Magento or Big Commerce please see API Endpoints for Amazon, Ebay, Magento and Big Commerce as these channels cannot use the Generic listing tool.