Manifest Parameters

In order to start creating an external shipping integration you must first register an account with Linnworks and then log in to and create a Shipping Integration app. This will provide you with a default manifest which will require you to fill out the below properties.

VendorNameUnique name of the shipping courier, no spaces, all upper case - Must be unique (eg. No couriers that are already integrated through native implementations). The max length for this field is 24 characters
VendorFriendlyNameName of the vendor (eg. DPD or Royal Mail)
VendorLogoURLLink to shipping logo
Required Size: 57 x 57px
AddNewUserEndpointCreate new integration for a user and default configuration profile for the integration. Note that the same customer may have multiple integrations with the same courier
UserConfigEndpointGets the current stage of the user config. The service method returns current stage of the config, description, title and config items the user has to enter. Linnworks will then render this config items on the UI and will send the config item list to the UpdateConfig
UpdateConfigEndpointUpdate integration profile config stage with values entered by the user. The ConfigStatus must match the current config stage status
ConfigDeletedEndpointEndpoint method which is called when the user deletes the integration in
UserAvailableServicesEndpointEndpoint which should return a list of available services for a given integration profile
GenerateLabelEndpointEndpoint which generates a Label PNG and associated shipping label documentation. This endpoint method accept a consignment request which contains the shipping address, list of packages and shipping service configuration options. The method will generate a label for each package and return all packages with the matching sequence number
CancelLabelEndpointEndpoint which should cancel all labels for the consignment by OrderId. If your integration does not support label cancellation implement an error message from this method.
ConfigDeletedEndpointEndpoint which is called when a customer deletes the integration from Linnworks.
CreateManifestEndpoint which is called by when a user files a manifest. The request will contain all order Id to be manifested (filed as the end of day)
PrintManifestIf your carrier integration requires printed version of end-of-day manifest, you can generate PDF and the user will be able to print it from
ExtPropertyMapEndpoint which should return the list of extended property mapping values
QuoteEndpoint which is called in order to retrieve a list of quotes